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Team Wema Attacks Kajala For Attending Zari's All White Party, Kajala responds Back.

Kajala is pissed off by Team Wema!.......yesterday the actress attended Zari's All White Party at Mlimani City but as usual Team Wema started attacking her on Instagram and remember today Wema has instagram party in Mwanza and pre-party was yesterday. Wema didn't attend Zari's party.

So it seems Team Wema wants to control Kajala's life just because Wema saved her from jail by paying Tsh.13 million as fine to save her .And we all know Wema and Kajala became best friends but their friendship later on went kaput. So after dissing her , Kajala had to react by posting the below message....

"If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. everyone seems to have a clear idea on how other people should lead their lives,but none about his or her own, Life Is about Choice... ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME......." wrote Kajala and added another one below...........

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